40 Pinterest Social Media Marketing Ideas for B2B Marketers

Are you interested in using Pinterest as a part of your social media marketing strategy?

Fifteen percent of Internet users are on Pinterest, making it almost as popular as Twitter, with 16% of internet users. The visually driven social network is known for driving referral traffic. As of September 2012, it was the fourth largest traffic driver worldwide.

Before you start pinning, we recommend evaluating what your Pinterest strategy goals are. Once you know where you’re going with B2B Pinterest social media marketing, it’s time to start pinning. This is not the time to reach a dead-end. You’ve decided your goals and you’re ready for action. Here are some ideas to fuel your Pinterest blast off.

Ready, set, pin (images of):

Your People

1. Your employees

2. Your clients

3. Your clients’ brands

4. Your clients’ products or service

5. Videos introducing your employees

What You Do

6. Your products

7. Your products in action

8. Your work

9. Your work process (think stages or before and afters)

10. Videos of your product or service in action

11. A photo from a positive review of your product or service

12. Graphics from your latest blog post

13. News articles featuring your product or service

14. How-to videos for your product

15. Interesting graphs from your sales presentations or marketing materials

16. Helpful diagrams and images from your sales presentations or marketing materials

17. Anything valuable in image form from sales presentations or marketing material

Your Industry

18. Industry events

19. A visualization of the current state of the industry

20. Interesting statistics relevant to your industry (in a graphic format)

21. A blog post from an expert in your industry

22. Videos explaining industry trends

23. Videos of the latest industry news

24. Videos of the latest industry events

Company Culture

25. Your workplace

26. The office summer party

27. The office Christmas party

28. Office birthday celebrations

29. Any office celebration or amusing happening

30. The office pet (think Ziggy)

31. What inspires you in the office (art or other pieces of motivation)

32. A video tour of your office


33. A helpful checklist

34. Helpful infographics

35. Books you are currently reading

36. Books you plan on reading

37. Tools you use that are helpful in doing your job

38. Others' work you admire

39. Powerful quotes from thought leaders

40. A podcast from an industry expert

What do you think are the most powerful images for B2B marketers to share on Pinterest?
40 Pinterest Social Media Marketing Ideas for B2B Marketers