4 Attributes of a Good Content Curator
A good content curator has to sift through tons of content, quickly and efficiently, finding what is both relevant and good quality. So what does a good content curator look like?

Part of social media management is culling the infinite sources of the web for the latest news, information, and resources relevant to your industry or target market. As a Social Media Manager, the content you share reflects your competence and expertise, and reflects how in-touch you are with the industry, thought leaders, influencers, and everyone in between. Sharing good content shows you understand what’s interesting and valuable to your target markets. It will help you increase your followers and establish your credibility. This process can feel never-ending and overwhelming not only because of the sheer masses of content you must wade through, but because new content is produced all of the time. A good content curator has to sift through tons of content, quickly and efficiently, finding what is both relevant and good quality. So what does a good content curator look like?
1. Really Long Arms
A good content curator has reached into almost every orifice of the Internet for content. This expert doesn’t hover over Mashable or The Next Web and publish a constant stream of one website’s content. You have the expanded reach to know the smaller players with a unique perspective, the powerhouse publishers, and all of the niche players. This allows for a healthy variety of content, with differing perspectives, to truly round out your vision and scope of the industry.
2. Super Fast Scanning Eyes
It would take far too long to cull through the legions of content if one slowly perused each article. An efficient content curator knows how to scan an article for legitimacy, value, and relevance to their target market. You can’t get bogged down in reading and digesting every detail, the world of Social Media moves far too fast for you to sit outside with your feet propped up on a table, reading and saying “mmhmm,” and “I see,” every couple of minutes.
3. A Raised Eyebrow
If you’re a good content curator you’re not sharing sloppy articles, inaccurate articles, or unprofessional looking content. You’re too good for that. Each time you come upon something new, your eyebrow is already up, because you’re there to sniff it out to make sure it’ll pass the test. People will lose interest in what you share and you will hurt your credibility if you share content that isn’t high quality. Sharing something without even clicking through to the link? That’s something you wouldn’t dare do.
4. A Belly Full of Hunger
If you’re going to ravenously rip through masses of content daily, you better be hungry to always learn more and expand your reach of the relevant web. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and you’re going to be mining for good content on a daily basis. Good content curators love what they do and are passionate about traversing the wide expanse of the web to find the best content possible.
What do you think are the most important attributes of a content curator? Get in touch with our creative content agency.