Does Video Improve Digital Marketing Conversion Rates?

January 6, 2020

The attention span of the average consumer continues to shrink. According to a recent study conducted by Microsoft, the average adult now has an attention span of about 8 seconds.

Does Video Improve Digital Marketing Conversion Rates?

The power of video content to boost website conversions and ROI

The attention span of the average consumer continues to shrink. According to a recent study conducted by Microsoft, the average adult now has an attention span of about 8 seconds. So, if you have already moved on to something else, we totally understand.

Consumers have an appetite for quick, digestible video content

Due in part to our shrinking attention spans, when surfing through social media or shopping online— studies prove that consumers would much rather watch a brief videothan read paragraphs of content about your product or service. Here are a few powerful stats that underscore the importance of making videos an important channel within your marketing mix.

  • 54% of consumers wish to see more video content than reading text
  • Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year (Optinmonster, 2019) Optinmonster also concluded that video marketers achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness
  • Adding a video on a landing page can increase conversions by almost 80%
  • Videos now appear in 70% of the top 100 search result listings
  • The average user spends 88% more time on a website with video (Forbes, 2018)
  • In 2019, users spent a weekly average of six hours and 48 minutes watching online videos – a 59 percent increase from just three years prior in 2016 (Limelight, 2019)
  • In 2022, 82% of the global internet traffic will come from streaming video and downloads (Cisco, 2019)

Make repetition a part of your content marketing strategy

In this age of decreasing attention spans, key pieces of your marketing content should be repurposed and repeated. The “rule of 7” claims that people need to be exposed to your offer 7 times before they truly pay attention. Here are a few ways to repurpose content:

  • Distribute key pieces of content across different channels (email, social media, presentation sites, etc.)
  • Repurpose valuable, relevant content into different formats (slides, infographics, images, videos, sales sheets, white papers).

Effective, engaging videos don’t have to be expensive

You don’t need a huge budget or full blown production company to help you create videos. There are tons of free video editing software programs, such as Blender, Lightworks, Shotcut and iMovie.  

Which types of video presentations will best support your marketing campaigns?

  • Product videos
  • Explainer videos
  • Testimonial videos
  • Animation videos
  • Brand films
  • Documentary videos

A few simple guidelines for making videos for online consumption

Don’t oversell your product in the video. If your product or service has 30 features, show only the most important 4 or 5. Presenting too many choices can actually work against you, creating confusion and/or indecision. Always include clickable call to action button urgingthe consumer to buy your product, sign up for a free trial or whatever your offer happens to be.

Popular video hosting sites, such as Vimeo, YouTube, and Wistia offer responsive embedded code so that you can easily upload videos on your landing pages or blogs. They also offer great analytics to help you evaluate your video’s performance. Metrics may include things like at which point your viewers are dropping off — to help you edit and optimize for playback.

The importance of captions, graphics and subtitles

Facebook and Twitter have a muted autoplay feature for videos which requires users to have the allow for audio to play. This means that you can’t afford to have videos that rely on audio and narration. Your video should make sense even without the audio, providing thegeneral context of what’s being presented.

Without video, your digital marketing campaigns are not complete

In this age of creating compelling video content, every marketer should be using this valuable content tool to help boost website conversions and ROI.  The new search algorithms that crawl and identify video content are becoming more and more relevant in your overall digital marketing campaign strategies.

ParkerWhite has a dedicated video production team producing product videos, brand manifesto videos, customer success videos, and short stackable social media content for a diverse range of clients and industries.

Not yet producing videos for your website, social media?  It’s time to get started. Let us show you how an effective video marketing strategy can engage your audiences.