5 Opportune Times to Update Your Website
Your website is your most critical digital brand touch point and it needs to be maintained.

Your website is your most critical digital brand touch point and it needs to be maintained. In today’s world, information, trends, preferences, and technology move faster than ever. Does that mean you need to update your website with every trending color or design trend? No, but it does mean that if you wait a couple of years to touch your website, people will notice. (Want to know the 5 signs your website is outdated?)
In today’s digital world, your website should effectively communicate your value proposition in a way that makes sense to consumers and other stakeholders. If you weren’t in the room to talk to your biggest potential buyer, could your website do the job? Your website plays a critical role in the buying process, and it should be able to effectively communicate important information. Make sure your digital strategy is optimized and is able to attract your target market.
Here are 5 opportune times to update your website content:
1. You’re expanding your business offering
If you are getting ready for a big product launch, it’s a good idea to anticipate increased traffic to your website and make sure you’re looking your best online. You want to make sure people see your brand as innovative. If your website looks outdated, this may hurt your brand perception.
2. Changing direction
Anytime you are changing direction, you want to update your brand touch points to ensure a cohesive, consistent experience. A website that is stuck in the past confuses consumers and may even serve to undermine the value of your change in direction. Your website is part of fulfilling your brand promise.
3. Wanting to collect new leads
Not only is your digital brand critical here, but it’s also important to provide the best possible user experience. Which allows you to optimize user flows to contribute to a successful lead generation campaign. Updating your website to speak to specific personas will make for a more personalized experience. You can also drive traffic to targeted landing pages with specific Call to Action’s designed to generate leads.
4. Building brand equity
Any time you are looking to strengthen the value of your brand, you should make sure your website reflects your brand at its very best. For example, if you are trying to get acquired by another company, it’s important for people to see value in your company. When your digital identity lacks professionalism, it reflects poorly on your company and hurts your credibility.
5. Mobile First
Out of 3.7 billion unique users worldwide, 50% of web page views come from mobile devices. If your website isn’t mobile first, meaning it has a responsive design for mobile devices, like tablets and smartphones, you lose a prominent place in Google Search. Therefore updating your website is mission critical.
If you need help optimizing your website or you’re ready for a fresh new site that showcases your brand, let's start a conversation and see how we can help.