Television Dethroned: Study Shows Dominance of Digital Media over TV
A report released last week from eMarketer reveals that for the first time this year, Americans will spend more time each day using digital media than watching TV.

A report released last week from eMarketer reveals that for the first time this year, Americans will spend more time each day using digital media than watching TV.
The overall trend for media consumption in all forms, including digital, TV, radio and print, is upward, with the U.S. adult spending an average of 11 hours and 52 minutes every day with media. This is an increase of 13 minutes from last year's average. The time people spend watching TV has remained relatively constant since 2011. The digital medium, however, has steadily increased.
Whether you're in sales, marketing, or the C-Suite, you're expected to understand today's consumers. If you know where consumers spend their time, you are more likely to effectively reach them. You need to embrace the digital medium not as a passing fad or something only for young people. The numbers now show that the digital medium is a way of life for most Americans.
One force attributing to the increase in digital media time is the power of mobile. People spend more time on tablets, smartphones, and feature phones than they do on PCs. U.S. adults average two hours and 21 minutes of mobile time a day, not including phone calls. The amount of time people are spending on mobile has increased by 46 minutes from last year.
It's time to think seriously about your website. If everyone's online now (and really, by now it's pretty darn close to everyone), that's where you have to be.
Your website is your online identity. It's where many consumers will first discover your brand. It's where decision-makers go to learn about your products and services. It might be the difference between whether or not someone picks up the phone, wanting to buy, or whether they quickly return to the search results, convinced you aren't a legitimate contender.
Having a strong website is an absolute necessity today. If you don't have an updated website, it probably won't even be viewable from a mobile device. Mobile use has already superseded desktop. If your website doesn't exist in the mobile realm, it's almost as if you don't exist.
The time to update your digital presence is now. It's going to be imperative for company's to have a digital presence in order to survive this societal shift. It's more than just being seen, too. When a company updates their digital identity they often see an explosion of traffic and leads.
If you're interested in finding out whether your website is up to speed, sign up for your free website assessment.