Five Tips for Implementing an Integrated Marketing Plan
Today many marketers are chasing the next greatest marketing idea that crosses the internet. They have fractionalized their marketing and need to step back and ask their marketing team leaders one question: Is our marketing properly integrated?
Today many marketers are chasing the next greatest marketing idea that crosses the internet. They have fractionalized their marketing and need to step back and ask their marketing team leaders one question: Is our marketing properly integrated?
An integrated marketing plan outlines the marketing activities that will deliver the greatest impact on your target audience and produce the maximum return on the marketing investment. An integrated marketing program blends research, marketing and communication strategies together to ensure that every aspect of your marketing is executed in a cohesive fashion.
There are five key components to defining and driving a successful and integrated marketing plan.
1. Define Your Goals and Metrics:
All good plans need a clear vision. Take the time to focus on both long-term and short-term goals. Identify key drivers and defining elements to your success. Determine your KPIs and grow the plan from that platform.
2. Analyze the Market:
Marketing is about getting as close to the target audience as possible, truly understanding their needs and providing a service or product that meets those needs. A successful marketing plan is based on knowing how to reach and communicate with your prospective customers, based on their profile. Arm yourself with knowledge. Think about tactics you have used in the past, what worked and what didn’t. Brainstorm new and innovative ways to reach your destination, like leveraging social media.
3. Write out the entire plan:
Now that you have set your goals and know your target profile, it is time to get started on your integrated marketing plan. Make sure your plan includes all touch points like advertising (print or online), digital marketing (email and via search engines),social media (crowd sourcing, online networks and blogs), public relations, direct mail, events, as well as others that fit your market, i.e., outdoor.
4. Hone Your Message:
Each marketing campaign should be highly distinguishable and should be implemented similarly across all mediums. It is key that your campaign resonates with your target profile, and there is no better way to aid this than to have a consistent message and brand. This is important because if a prospective member receives the same message and visual clues in multiple places, they are much more likely to comprehend and retain the marketing message. This practice is critical to building brand awareness and ensuring that your offerings remain top of mind with your target.
5. Track Your Progress Constantly:
Once executed, continually tracking and measuring the success of campaigns within an integrated marketing plan is a critical step that will help to plan future programs with more accuracy. The more quantifiable the objectives are in the beginning, the more tangible the results.
Don’t jump into ad hoc marketing activities that have not been mapped back to your big picture goals. Know your destination, plan the trip and then drive your marketing success through integration.
Ready to start your integrated marketing? Contact us to perform an audit and develop your strategy.