5 Tips for Marketing ROI

Marketing is changing and evolving at a rapid pace.Here are five major initiatives to implement in 2019 to increase your marketing ROI:

1. Create with Behavior in Mind

Understanding human behavior within marketing can give yourself an edge over others. As well as bringing in CEM, Customer Experience Management - a tool that marketers should be using to gain advantages for their companies and their customers. In fact, CEM is increasingly vital in a digital world in which company reputations and customer loyalty can be gained or lost in an instant based upon digital user experience design.

2. Content Strategy Is King

Focus on the right brand positioning strategy, writing style, visual aspects – you will develop a winning marketing formula. The clear strategies get real business results—regardless of the tactics they employ at any given moment. Plan on thrilling customers and prospects by showing how your product or services will help them achieve and amplify their goals. Unlock what thrills your customers, and your tactics will be much more effective.

3. Integrate or Die

Once you’ve nailed the strategy, it’s time to integrate, integrate, and integrate! Use all your marketing platforms and expressions to explain how you’ll solve your customers and prospects problems, but don’t stop there. Solve their problems via your website, and outbound marketing. Use every possible customer touch point, and your customers and prospects will love you and become loyal to your brand.

4. Make Your Offline-Online Seamless

Throughout their day, your customers flow between the online and offline world. So should your marketing.  Integrated brand experiences require consistency and leave lasting impressions – no matter your customer’s location. Customers no longer have simply offline or online experiences; they have integrated brand experiences. Remember that offline-online integration requires consistency.

5. Multichannel Marketing is a Yes

Do not let the future of marketing pass you by. Maximize your opportunities by getting your strategic, integrated, and multichannel marketing plans in shape. The digital marketing ecosystem is changing fast, and the insightful marketers who adopt these new marketing disciplines will be far ahead of the game!

Dynamic Marketing: Get 5 Tips for Better Marketing ROI - PW